【啟示錄攻略 2】啟示錄七教會 [粵語]
奇準預言2000年來基督教歷史 啟示錄七教會是一個奇妙準確的預言,當中紀錄耶穌基督親自對七個教會歷史時期作出評估,定斷它們在信仰上有否達標,有些教會他讚美祝福,有些會嚴厲批判及警告。這提醒我們不要自以為神對我們一定很滿足,救恩是坐定粒六的!在綜教會之中,耶穌最不滿意的就是未世中的教會,當中耶穌形容的問題正正描述了現代教會的情況,而這些信徒是懵然不知的。耶穌清楚告訴我們怎樣脫離這個教會的悲慘命運…
The 7 churches of Revelation is a super accurate prophecy from Jesus highlighting the 2000 years from the New Testament church to the end times. This prophecy is Jesus personally telling us what he expects churches to be like. He compliments churches that do well but is scathing towards those that does not meet his expectations. This is a reminder to us that we cannot assume that God is happy with us and that all is fine. Of all the churches, the one Jesus is most displeased at is the end times church which corresponds perfectly with what we witness. If this prophecy is true, then this church is in great trouble and is largely unaware. Jesus tells us the secret of how to escape from the punishment this church is about to suffer.
來源: youtube @ Cantonese Ministry