Song Marks Of Grace 恩典的記號
Artist Amy Sand 盛曉玫
Album Blessed 幸福
Licensed to YouTube by
CD Baby (on behalf of Clay Music); BMI – Broadcast Music Inc., and 4 Music Rights Societies
恩典的記號 (The Signs of Grace)
站在大海邊 才發現自己是多渺小
Standing at the ocean’s edge, suddenly I recognize my smallness
登上最高山 才發現天有多高
Ascending the highest mountain, suddenly I recognize just how high are the heavens
浩瀚的宇宙中 我真的微不足道
In the middle of the vastness of the universe, I truly am insignificant
像灰塵 消失也沒人知道
Like dust, disappearing – without anyone noticing
夜空的星星 彷彿在對著我微微笑
The night sky’s stars seem to faintly smile at me
輕聲告訴我 一切衪都看見了
Softly telling me everything is under Your gaze
我所有掙扎 所有軟弱和跌倒
My every struggle, every weakness and fall
Will turn into God’s signs of grace.
當我呼求 耶穌聽見我的禱告
When I cry for help, Jesus listens to my prayer
千萬人中 衪竟關心我的需要
In the middle of ten thousand people, He even cares for my needs.
走過的路 有歡笑有淚水
Walking along the road, with laughs of joy and with tears
都留下 主恩典的記號
It all leaves behind God’s signs of grace
在風雨中 耶穌將我緊緊擁抱
In the middle of the wind and rain, Jesus will tightly embrace me
我深知道 衪是我永遠的依靠
I know deeply, He is forever my support to lean upon
走過的路 有歡笑有淚水
Walking along the road, with laughs of joy and with tears
將成為 主恩典的記號
They will turn into God’s signs of grace.
【啟示錄攻略 7 [1/2]】大結局:放生撒旦再度迷惑? 啟示錄記載耶穌帶領大軍成功擊敗敵基督軍團,但捉拿撒旦後竟然不毀滅他反而暫時禁閉他,一千年過後再讓他迷惑世人? Revelation records that after Jesus wins his ultimate battle against the …