Invite God Into Your Difficulties | Joel Osteen
Sometimes you have to walk through a difficulty before you can witness the miracle. Instead of trying to get out of it, invite God into the storm. He wants to walk alongside you and give you peace in the midst of it. With God on your side, you’re going to come out better than you were before!
God said in Isaiah 43:2, “When you go through the waters, I will be with you, when you go through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you, when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned”. It’s interesting that God didn’t say, “I’ll keep you out of every fire, you won’t have to face any floods”. No, he said, “The challenges will come”. There will be adversities and things we don’t understand, but the whole key to this verse is when he said, “I will be with you in the fire, in the flood, in the famine”. Are you trying to get out of something, that God is going to take you through? Are you fighting the process? “It’s not fair, God, I can’t take it anymore”. Everything will change, if you’ll start inviting God into the fire. He’s already promised he’ll be with you, maybe he’s just waiting for your invitation.
The right attitude is, “God, I know you’re going to bring me out, but in the meantime I’m asking you to come in to this challenge in my healts, come in to this loss I’m going through, come into this depression that’s trying to stop me”. When you invite God into your difficulty, you’ll feel him breathing in your direction, empowering you, enabling you, favoring you. Is it a greater testimony that kept you out of the fire or that he came with you in the fire and brought you through it?
Source: Joel Osteen and