【啟示錄攻略 4】人物介紹B:敵基督獸與淫婦巴比倫 [粵語] 啟示錄裏面最使人煩惱的部分就是明白敵基督(獸)的奧秘,因為符號複雜、表達方法不直接、內容比較跳躍。雖然聖經的形容方法十分複雜,我們將帶大家使用一個簡單的讀經步驟清楚了解這個未世內的重要角色。我們亦會看看淫婦巴比倫是誰和她跟的基督獸的關係。 The most confusing part of Revelation is here: The identity of the beast and Mystery Babylon. This study is a clear explanation of who the characters are. When we understand the who the characters we can begin to understand what happens in the end times and …
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